Shepard Steamship Company Areas With Asbestos Exposure

Located in Boston, Massachusetts, the shipyard was founded in 1930 with service from the Pacific Coast to Philadelphia, New York City, Albany, and Boston. Shepard Steamship Company was active in charter shipping with the Maritime Commission and War Shipping Administration during World War II. During the conflict, the shipyard operated Victory and Liberty ships. Sadly, every worker who had a job at Shepard Steamship Company was exposed to asbestos. It was present mostly in the form of insulation, which was a friable product, making tiny fibers of asbestos become airborne with the slightest movement. For this reason, former employees are advised to regularly check their lungs, as they are at high risk for diseases such as lung cancer and mesothelioma, among other pulmonary diseases.

Shepard Steamship Company and Asbestos Exposure Ships