SS Charles H. Cugle Areas With Asbestos Exposure

SS Charles H. Cugle

The SS Charles H. Cugle was a Liberty ship classified as a Type Z-EC2-S-C5 ship that was built by J.A. Jones Construction in Panama City, Florida at the WSA’s request and launched in August 1945. The ship was transferred to the US Army in 1963 and converted to a Nuclear Barge, becoming the first floating nuclear power plant in the world. The ship operated at Fort Belvoir in Virginia before being towed in the Panama Canal Zone due to lack of water for the hydroelectric plant where it remained until 1977. The ship was then decontaminated, sealed, and placed in the reserve fleet James River Group. Asbestos is defined as a group of minerals that have a fibrous structure comprised in such as way so that the fibers can be separated into a fluffy mass, or even woven into cloth. These fibers are fireproof, resistant to chemical damage, and never rot or mildew. Asbestos fibers such as those found in the insulation of steam and hot water pipes aboard Navy vessels are very dangerous. If you or a loved one have developed lung cancer, mesothelioma, asbestosis or other condition while serving in the Navy, you may be entitled to monetary compensation through one or more of the established asbestos trust funds as well as VA claims.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us