SS Clarksdale Victory Areas With Asbestos Exposure

SS Clarksdale Victory

Laid down by the California Shipbuilding Company in 1944, the SS Clarksdale Victory was built in 86 days under the Emergency Shipbuilding program. The ship was launched one year later when it was acquired by the U.S. Navy. It was operated by the American President Lines during World War II and served in the Pacific Ocean. For their outstanding activity, the crew of the Naval Armed Guard who was present on the SS Clarksdale Victory received several battle stars. In 1947, the ship was sunk off the coast of British Columbia.

Because there were over 300 different products that contained asbestos on the ship, exposure was bound to occur in everyone who served on it. For this reason, veterans are now at high risk of developing terrible diseases as a result of military asbestos exposure, such as lung cancer or mesothelioma. It is a good idea for people who were aboard the SS Clarksdale Victory to undergo regular medical examinations, as they may have developed a disease, since diseases that stem from asbestos exposure take between 20 and 50 years to occur. Veterans that got sick due to asbestos exposure on duty are eligible for free healthcare and other VA benefits.

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