SS Eugene T. Chamberlain Areas With Asbestos Exposure

SS Eugene T. Chamberlain

The SS Eugene T. Chamberlain was a Liberty Ship built in the US for service during World War II. The ship was built under a MARCOM contract by J.A. Jones Construction in Brunswick, Georgia, and launched in August 1944. It was allocated to the Isbrandtsen Steamship Corporation to be operated during the war. It was placed in the reserve fleet at Lee Hall, Virginia, in October 1945 and sold for non-transportation use in 1966. Asbestos was very good at doing what it was supposed to and as such was used for example, for lagging on hot water pipes, steam pipes, and to insulate boilers. Pipefitters, boiler workers, engine operators, insulators, and maintenance mechanics would often be working in confined and poorly ventilated spaces, particularly for instance if working on a ship. The inhalation of asbestos fibers can lead to mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer very prevalent among Navy veterans, which is why we recommend annual medical examinations to prevent this disease, as well as other lung diseases such as asbestosis or lung cancer.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

Shipmates on SS Eugene T. Chamberlain