SS John Barry Areas With Asbestos Exposure

SS John Barry

The SS John Barry was an American Liberty Ship built during World War II at the Kaiser Shipyards and launched in November 1941. In August 1944, the ship was torpedoed and sunk in the Arabian Sea near the coast of Oman by the German submarine U-859. The SS John Barry was carrying a shipment of 3 million silver coins, each valued at 1 Saudi riyal, as an American payment to ARAMCO when it sank. In-depth details about the ship’s mission and cargo were top secret, but it was speculated that the vessel also had a much more valuable shipment on board, on top of the 3 million silver coins.

Due to its unique properties including extreme durability and heat resistance, asbestos was frequently used throughout ships and in shipyards, where service members worked in tight quarters and breathed in tiny asbestos fibers without knowing the danger they were in. If you suffer from a disease caused by exposure to asbestos and you are also a Navy veteran you may be eligible for compensation from asbestos trust funds and VA claims.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

Shipmates on SS John Barry