USS Cybele (AKS-10) Areas With Asbestos Exposure

USS Cybele (AKS-10)

The USS Cybele (AKS-10), an Acubens-class general stores issue ship was commissioned by the U.S. Navy for World War II service. The ship was used to deliver and disburse goods and equipment to Pacific war zone locations. During its activity, the ship carried a complement of 195 men on board and it had the main missions in Bayonne, Pearl Harbor, San Pedro Bay, Tokyo Bay, Samar, and Tsingtao. Following World War II, the USS Cybele (AKS-10) was assigned to Occupation and China service in the Far East. For the services brought to the country during World War II, the USS Cybele received 6 honor medals. Asbestos was widely used in the military for fireproofing and heat resistance and was found in abundance on ships and in shipyards. As a consequence, Navy veterans account for the majority of veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other asbestos-related illnesses. Hundreds of ships built as transports, destroyers, cruisers, carriers, and battleships during World War II contained tons of asbestos insulation. The mineral was primarily used in engine rooms, where boilers and pipe systems exposed workers to asbestos coatings on a continuous basis, resulting in fraying and wear of the coatings.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

Shipmates on USS Cybele (AKS-10)