USS Fresno (CL-121) Areas With Asbestos Exposure

USS Fresno (CL-121)

The USS Fresno (CL-121) was a United States Navy Juneau-class light cruiser launched on 5 March 1946 by Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company of Kearny, New Jersey, sponsored by Mrs. Ruth R. Martin; and commissioned on 27 November 1946, with Captain Elliott Bowman Strauss in command. During her first operational cruise, the ship not only concluded its preliminary training in the Caribbean but also visited Montevideo, Uruguay, during a presidential inauguration and called at Rio de Janeiro. The USS Fresno (CL-121) was sold for scrap on 17 June 1966.

If a person inhales asbestos fibers, they can become lodged in the tissue of the chest, and the body’s natural defense system is not able to break them down. This can lead to lung diseases, particularly if the person is repeatedly exposed to fibers over a number of years. It is also important to remember that when coupled with asbestos exposure, smoking creates a severe risk of developing lung cancer.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

Shipmates on USS Fresno (CL-121)

Elliott Bowman Strauss

Elliott Bowman Strauss

Louis F. Abbene

Louis F. Abbene

John J. Dickinson Jr.

John J. Dickinson Jr.

Max Eugene Ford

Max Eugene Ford

Joseph Richard Hawvermale

Joseph Richard Hawvermale

Norman Lemieux

Norman Lemieux

George Patrick McArdle

George Patrick McArdle

John George Roenigk

John George Roenigk

Elliott Bowman Strauss

Elliott Bowman Strauss