USS George Eastman (YAG-39) Areas With Asbestos Exposure

USS George Eastman (YAG-39)

The USS George Eastman (YAG-39) was a Liberty Ship built under a MARCOM contract in March 1943 by Permanente Metals Corporation, in Richmond, California, and delivered from the War Shipping Administration to Pacific Atlantic Steamship Co., Vancouver, Washington. During the war, this ship operated as a merchant cargo carrier, and having survived the war, it was placed in the National Defense Reserve Fleet in June 1948. Taken out of the reserve, the vessel operated as a merchantman for just a couple of months and then transferred to the US Navy by the Maritime Administration. The USS George Eastman was decommissioned sometime before 1977 (date unknown) when it was scrapped. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been proven useful because it is resistant to heat, electricity, and corrosion. However, despite appearing to be a miraculously helpful substance, it has been found to be extremely toxic. Locations such as the sleeping barracks of ships used in the Navy were tight and limited, allowing for a high concentration of fibers to be present if asbestos was disturbed. Navy veterans exposed to asbestos during their military service should receive checkups frequently and monitor their health closely.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

Shipmates on USS George Eastman (YAG-39)

Jeffrey M. Driesen

Jeffrey M. Driesen

Gary Duane Lemieux

Gary Duane Lemieux

Edward John Wazenkewitz

Edward John Wazenkewitz

Robert Wayne Winslow

Robert Wayne Winslow

Charles Martin

Charles Martin