USS LSM-427 Areas With Asbestos Exposure


The USS LSM-427 was one of the 558 Landing Ship Mediums built for the US Navy between 1944 and 1945, an amphibious assault ship in service during World War II. The vessel was laid down in 1944 at Dravo Corporation in Wilmington, DE., and launched in 1945. She was commissioned the same year with Lt. Don L. Garver USNR, in command. During wartime operations, the USS LSM-427 was assigned to the Asiatic-Pacific Theater in Flotilla Thirteen under LCDR C. L. Weigle USN, Group Thirty-Nine, commanded by LCDR. J. M. Rose, and Division Seventy-Eight. Following World War II, the assault ship was assigned to the Occupation Service in the Far East. The vessel was decommissioned at NOB Subic Bay, Philippines in 1946. After being struck from the Naval Register, the ship was sold in 1948 to the Republic of China. Asbestos was a prevalent material when the USS LSM-427 was built because it had insulating properties that were fit for the Navy ships. Many Navy veterans had severe health problems due to long-term exposure to this mineral's airborne fibers. If this is your case, you may be entitled to compensation from asbestos trust funds and VA benefits.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

Shipmates on USS LSM-427