USS Quastinet (AOG-39) Areas With Asbestos Exposure

USS Quastinet (AOG-39)

The USS Quastinet (AOG-39) was a Mettawee-class gasoline tanker laid down on August 2, 1944, and launched on September 24, the same year. It was commissioned on November 6, 1944, under Lt. Lawrence A. Snider’s command with the hull number AOG-39 and it served in the U.S. Navy for 2 years until it was decommissioned on April 16, 1946. During its activities, the ship carried a complement of 62 people on board and had its main missions on the East Coast. After the decommissioning, the ship was struck from the Navy List on May 21, 1946.

To take advantage of the mineral’s fireproofing and insulation properties, nearly every ship commissioned between 1930 and about 1975 contained tons of asbestos. Asbestos-containing materials were used in boilers, turbines, pumps, gaskets, valves, cement, adhesives, and pipe coverings. Navy veterans who manned these ships or repaired them in shipyards were prime candidates for diseases like asbestos-related lung cancer, bronchial cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

Shipmates on USS Quastinet (AOG-39)