USS S-15 (SS-120) Areas With Asbestos Exposure

USS S-15 (SS-120)

Sponsored by Mrs. Simon Lake, the USS S-15 (SS-120) partook in World War II and was also temporarily decommissioned in 1935. During the 6 years of inactivity, asbestos insulation might have been installed on the walls of the submarine, endangering the health of the people who served on it. The vessel made voyages to Bermuda, Guantanamo Bay, the Panama Canal, as well as Trinidad. It was struck in 1946 and later sold for scrapping to the Potomac Shipwrecking Company of Maryland. Navy veterans who have been diagnosed with a non-cancerous condition should undergo periodical medical examinations which may involve pulmonary function tests, X-rays, and CT scans. If screening results show evidence of asbestos-related disease, they are eligible to receive asbestos compensation benefits from the VA. In addition to filing a claim with the Department of Veterans Affairs, asbestos trust funds also represent an important source of financial compensation.

If you have a cancer diagnosis please contact us

Shipmates on USS S-15 (SS-120)