USS S-24 (SS-129) Areas With Asbestos Exposure

USS S-24 (SS-129)

The USS S-24 (SS-129) was a first-group S-class submarine of the United States Navy, laid down on 1 November 1918 by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts. Following her launch, the USS S-24 (SS-129) visited Saint Thomas, the Panama Canal, Hawaii, Mare Island, San Diego, San Pedro, as well as multiple other maritime areas. As in the case of other submarines laid down when asbestos was becoming a popular insulating material, the carcinogenic mineral might have been lurking in the walls of the vessel. The USS S-24 was decommissioned in 1942 and later sold to the United Kingdom. On 25 August 1947, it was finally sunk as a target. A challenge for many Navy service members is that they may not be aware they were exposed to asbestos. Asbestos was used in a variety of materials that Navy personnel used every day, including insulation. Inside the body, asbestos can cause inflammation, scarring, DNA damage and changes that result in uncontrolled cell growth. While there are applicable time deadlines, eligibility requirements, and other evidentiary requirements, many veterans exposed to asbestos while serving in the military can receive money compensation for asbestos-related diseases.

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Shipmates on USS S-24 (SS-129)

Charles Herbert Andrews Sr.

Charles Herbert Andrews Sr.

Charles Frederick Chillingworth Jr.

Charles Frederick Chillingworth Jr.

Joseph Anthony Connolly

Joseph Anthony Connolly

Louis Emil Denfeld

Louis Emil Denfeld

Harry Aloysius Guthrie

Harry Aloysius Guthrie

Frank Curtis Lynch Jr.

Frank Curtis Lynch Jr.

Cornice Oneal Tinsley

Cornice Oneal Tinsley