J.A. Jones Construction Areas With Asbestos Exposure

Located in Brunswick, Georgia, the shipyard was founded in the 1890s. One of the early landmark projects was the twelve-story Independence Building, which was Charlotte's first "skyscraper" and the soon-to-be office of J.A. Jones Construction. In 1930, the shipyard won a major contract to build a new military airbase in the Canal Zone in Panama. J.A. Jones Construction was active until 2003. During World War II, it built 212 cargo ships and tankers and was a significant builder of Liberty ships. However, everyone who worked there starting with the early 1920s was heavily exposed to asbestos, as the mineral was fundamental to shipbuilding during the last century. We advise former employees to keep a close eye on the health of their lungs.

J.A. Jones Construction and Asbestos Exposure Ships